Warranty Information

Brower Timing Products have a 2 year full warranty. Brower Timing will repair or replace any failed product at no charge for 2 years from the time of purchase. Damage caused by user is not covered by the warranty. Customer will pay the cost to ship to Brower and Brower will pay for return shipping. 

Repair Pricing

Excessive wear or corrosion from batteries will cost more to repair. Battery corrosion may not be possible to repair. Typical cost is $75 + shipping.

Please complete the repair form and include it in your package.


Outside the USA. *Shipping to the United States and paying for return shipping back again can be very expensive. By following these instructions the expense can be greatly reduced.

  • Only send back the Brower component that need repair.

  • If you are sending an eye component, slide off the aluminum housing remove the battery and send only the guts.

  • If you are sending a Timer use a small box for shipment.

  • If you are sending a Wand, only send the top half or button side.

  • Foam wrap the component, and put in a small envelope.

  • Ship through your government post office, the charges for a small package will be ten times less than UPS or Fedex, It will take longer to arrive, but small packages clear customs faster and do not get a brokerage fee added to them.

  • Use the shipping address provided on the repair form.

  • Brower Timing will return your package the same way.

  • Total turnaround time will be about 16 to 20 days.

If you have contacted Brower Timing and we have told you to ship most or all the system back for repair

  • Use the foam insert inside the Brower Lumbar Pack for padding.

  • Do not send the tripods, or fixtures.

  • With more weight the difference between Post office rates and UPS rates becomes less, check pricing and delivery time and decide which is best for you.

  • Do not charge shipment or brokerage fees to Brower Timing.

  • Turnaround time using UPS will be about 8 to 12 days.

Inside The USA.*Because it is so inexpensive to ship within the United States (Ground service) it is not that necessary to ship the smallest package possible, however it is still worth the time to only ship that which is needed.

  • Turnaround time for ground will be about 8 to 16 days.

  • Turnaround time for overnight service will be about 3 to 6 days.